
Hard Truth Podcast: Protein


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In today’s episode, we explore the essential details of daily protein needs and optimal utilization techniques. We discuss the current guidelines recommending 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight for the average individual and 1.2-1.5 grams for athletes aiming for peak performance. Discover how to distribute protein consumption throughout your day to enhance muscle development and stabilize blood sugar levels. We debunk common misconceptions about protein absorption, examine the advantages of different protein sources, and provide tips for selecting top-quality protein powders. This guide offers a complete understanding of how to maximize your protein intake for better muscle growth and recovery. Tune in for a practical take on making the most of your protein consumption.

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Welcome to The Hard Truth Podcast.

This is Jeremy Fouts.

In today’s podcast, we are going to be talking about protein.

I get so many questions about protein.

You know, how much protein do I need in a day?

How much protein can I consume sitting down at once?

You know, another question that a lot of people ask me often is, you know, what supplements, what protein shakes would you recommend?

So today’s podcast, I’m going to be answering these questions and much more.

Protein, I know a lot of people understand the importance of protein, but they don’t know how much that they need on a daily basis.

They don’t know, there’s a lot of studies about 15, 20 years ago, you can’t absorb only this amount at a sitting at one time.

You can’t get this good protein shake.

This one over here is what you need to choose from versus that one.

So we’re gonna answer all of these questions.

But I will say that next to sleep, protein is king.

In the macro world, yes, you need all three macros, proteins, carbs, and fats.

But if you’re looking to transform your body, whether it be put on muscle, strip body fat, all the important things, especially the odor you get, and even in teenagers, protein is the king in order for you to build muscle, have a better longevity of life, and to see good results pretty quickly, and I’m going to talk about those benefits.

Number one, how much protein do we need in a day?

You know, recommendations have been changed so much on this topic, especially in the sports world.

Nutrition is changing field often.

It’s always ongoing, new science, new studies.

But I’m going to share with you what we currently know.

And that is right here.

The average person, in my opinion, needs no less than 0.8 grams by body weight.

So just if you weigh 150 pounds times about 0.8, and that will be a good starting point.

Now, I will tell you, if you’re not good at consuming a lot of protein, then that might be hard at first, but I’m going to talk about easy, different ways to spread that out through the day to make it easier.

But if you’re training and you want to be an athlete, and all of us should want to be an athlete.

I’m 48 years old, and I still try to train like an athlete, then you need anywhere between 1.2 to 1.5 grams per body weight.

Now, I’m 200 pounds, and when I’m trying regressively to put on muscle, I’m consuming 300 grams of protein a day on my maintenance.

I’m no less than 200 grams of protein a day, more than likely around 250 grams a day of protein.

Now, I’m going to talk about a little bit about the benefits of that, but go research it yourself if you want to.

Protein is definitely the king of macros on making sure that you’re going to train like you want to train.

Okay, so how do we, if we know we need 1.2, 1.5, minimum of 0.8, how do we spread this across throughout the day, and what is the best way for us to utilize this, for us to be able to stimulate protein muscle synthesis and use this correctly throughout the day?

Now, I will tell you this, not only is it going to help with stimulating muscle synthesis, but it’s also going to help with your blood sugar spikes because it digests a lot slower than your other macros.

And so there’s so many you’re going to feel full throughout the day.

When people say, you know, Jeremy, I’m having a real problem with my diet.

I’m always hungry.

I already know they’re not eating enough protein already.

And I say, how much protein are you eating?

Well, I don’t know.

I’m not, it’s because they’re smacking on stuff that is not good for them, mainly carbs, mainly fats, mainly sugars.

And therefore, they’re not feeling full because they’re not eating the right amount of protein.

So I’m going to break it down here as far as how you spread this out throughout the day.

Now, depending on how much you need, so if you need 150 grams of protein and you’re eating four meals a day or five meals a day, then that’s pretty easy for you to do 150 grams divided by five meals.

And that could be three meals, but two snacks.

And then you can figure out how many grams of protein you need at per setting.

So if I’m going to eat 200 grams of protein a day, I’m going to give you an example of my day of eating protein.

So I get up in the morning and this is my normal routine.

I eat four eggs and I drink a protein shake.

Eggs is around six grams of protein.

Six times four is 24.

The protein I drink is 23 grams of protein.

So I get 47 grams of protein first thing in the morning.

I wait about two hours, hour and a half or so, go to the gym.

Right after the gym, I drink two more protein shakes.

Okay, so that’s 23 and 23, that’s 46.

So if we round that up, I have 100 grams of protein starting off really early in the morning.

About two and a half hours later, I get a Greek yogurt from Costco, and I put that serving, which is around 20 grams of protein, and then I put another protein supplement powder, and I mix it up like a chocolate pudding.

That’s another 23 grams of protein.

So it’s another 43 grams of protein.

So literally by 10 or 11 in the morning, I’ll already have 150 grams of protein.

Now, if you’re a little lady and you’re listening and you only need 100 grams of protein, you can take those amounts and do less, but just spread them out equally, kind of like what I’m talking about.

Usually at lunch, I’ll eat tuna, venison, something to try to consume another 50 grams of protein.

So usually, I will have, you know, 50 in the morning, 50 after my workout shakes, it’s 150 more after my yogurt and my protein shake, that’s 150.

After lunch, I’ve already got over 200 grams of protein.

Depending on my workload in the office, a lot of times I will eat another 50 grams at dinner, and that’s pretty much my cutoff, okay?

So I usually don’t snack in the afternoon, I’m pretty much just working in the office.

So I have 200 grams of protein.

If I’m really wanting to push it, to put on muscle during the time of my training, then I can also eat another snack with 30 grams of protein later that night, a protein shake or whatever the situation may be.

But you’ve got to figure out how much you need and then spread it out through the day.

Now, the reason I say spread it out through the day, a lot of the myths of protein is how much protein can we eat at one setting and will it be used throughout our body?

Because 10, 15 years ago, they said your body can’t use more than 30 grams at a time.

You can’t use more than 40 grams at a time.

Well, there’s a recent study that I’ve been looking at, and it’s by Skohan Fields.

And this pretty much shows you that that myth is definitely not true.

And that is that is that your body can break down up to 50, 60 grams of protein at a time.

But it does take a little bit longer in order for your body to process that.

But that’s a good thing.

Okay, so I want to share with you a little bit of that timeframe of how that happens.

So this is really helpful for you to understand.

So whey protein is absorbed fairly quickly.

That’s why I love whey proteins.

A lot of you know my boys are athletes.

Those long days when they have two to three games in tournaments, four games in tournaments, it’s very important for me to get a protein shake in them, not just hydration, but that’s something I always do.

So protein shake, whey protein happens pretty quickly.

At 10 grams per hour is unusual what your body breaks down that protein.

So if it has 20 grams of protein, it will take around two hours for your body to use that protein.

Egg protein absorbs at a rate of three grams per hour, and then so you will absorb that protein.

It just takes longer, but again, that’s not a bad thing.

So protein absorption is also, as you’re aging, a male or female and wanting to gain muscle, you want to keep away injuries, you want to keep away sickness, whatever your protein is very big key component for that.

So let me give you some examples of some good protein that I use on a daily basis.

It’s cottage cheese, yogurts.

It’s also important for you that don’t understand your branch chain amino acids.

The one that I really pay a lot of attention to is called leucine.

I want at least 1.5 grams of leucine in my protein shake, and that’s very important.

Leucine is mainly coming from an animal-based source.

So if you’re a person that’s looking for plant-based, it’s going to be a little bit tougher.

But leucine is the main branch chain amino acid that helps with stimulating muscle synthesis.

So you definitely want to find a good protein that has at least 1.5 grams of leucine in it.

Now, a lot of people ask me about supplements, you know, branch chain amino acid supplements.

How do I find a good actual protein powder?

Now, I will tell you, if you guys are listening and you’re one of those people that are always looking to save money, there is nothing wrong with that in different areas of your life.

But when it comes to what you put in your mouth, you do not want to just try to save money, especially in a protein powder.

Protein powders are everywhere.

I mean, you can buy some cheap protein powders at Costco, Sam’s, different things like that, but they are not all the same.

So let me kind of share with you what I would look for.

Yes, my company owns a protein shake.

I think it’s the best out there.

We use grass-fed whey with collagen.

You know, but if you don’t buy my protein shake, that is okay, but find you a good one.

So let me help you determine that.

And this is something that’s really important for you to understand.

Protein is made of amino acids, which they have, nine of them are essential.

And that’s basically saying they’re essential means that your body cannot produce these nine amino acids.

Your body has to get them from our food source.

Now, out of those three, three of them, or out of those nine, three of them are considered branch chain amino acids, which helps stimulate the gains, as what we call it.

Living in a boy house, we all know what the word gains mean.

And those are called leucine, osleucine, and valine.

So you definitely want to make sure the protein shake that you are using has those branch chain amino acid in it.

Also, when it comes to supplements, you need to find one that has at least a GMP certification and has no fillers.

I like grass-fed whey proteins the best.

And then it’s also third-party tested.

Make sure you look at and see if they have certificate of analysis on everything, no heavy metals, no banned substances, no artificial sweeteners or dyes, and choose a high quality that your body can absorb and put to work and not the cheapest.

I keep saying that because everybody’s like, well, I can buy this protein shake cheaper.

Yeah, you can.

But you know what?

You’re not getting what your body needs, and your body’s not able to absorb that.

The next question I just recently got on Instagram that people say, well, how is a protein powder even made?

You know, we have actually a contract with a farm in Wisconsin, and to break it down would be real simple.

They take the milk, and they extract the protein component from the dairy, then they dry it out and turn it into powder for you to consume.

A lot of people don’t understand that this is coming from a grass-fed milk, and it’s a very, you know, strenuous process, a meticulous process, and I can tell you that we use the best at our manufacturer to make sure you have the best protein to be able to put in your body, because again, protein is king, and I encourage you guys to do your own research if you want to, but you’re not going to find a better macro to give you better results than protein.

Yes, they’re all important.

There’s a time and place for the carbs for performance.

There’s a time and place for fats, for your hormones, but I’m telling you, most people do not consume enough protein, and they don’t know how much protein they need.

They don’t know how to spread it out throughout the day, and they don’t understand the importance of a good grass-fed weight protein and what it can do for your performance and helping you meet your goals that you’re looking from a physical fitness standpoint.

So thank you for tuning in to The Hard Truth Podcast.

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And if you have any other topics that you want us to share more details, feel free to send us a message at The Hard Truth Podcast or at Jeremy Fouts Leadership.

Thank you.