Welcome to The Hard Truth Podcast.
This is Jeremy Fouts.
In today’s topic, we are talking about mindset growth.
Mindset is probably, in my opinion, the most important key that you need in order to have the success that you want in your life.
So I’m gonna share with you some tips here, but I hope that you not only listen, but you put them to work.
That is the key for this podcast.
Well, today, talking about the mindset growth, I’m telling you, without a doubt, I feel like it’s the most important key to creating the life that you want.
And I’m gonna share with you some things that I’ve learned over the last 48 years.
And you know, it’s something that, I don’t care how talented you are, how well you speak, how good you look, if you do not have a strong mind, you will not accomplish what you want to accomplish in life.
And it doesn’t matter if you’re an athlete, it doesn’t matter if you’re a businessman, a businesswoman, it doesn’t matter who you are, if you do not develop a strong mindset, you’re not going to accomplish what you want to accomplish.
So let’s get into it.
Number one, as I mentioned, the mindset is the most important key to success.
Your mind has to be stronger than your feelings.
I have people often call me up and say, man, you know, I’m not motivated.
I’ve talked about that a lot in this podcast.
I hear a lot of people say, you know, I’m just not feeling it.
You know, what can I do to get in a better mindset?
That’s what we’re going to talk about today.
How you can understand how to create a strong enough mind that you’re going to do what you say you’re going to do regardless of your feelings.
So the first thing you got to understand is it takes time.
It takes time to develop this mentally strong mindset.
A lot of people don’t want to hear that because we live definitely in a world where we want things now.
I’m telling you, I’ve been lifting as hard as I can lift, harder not ever lifted in my life this last three years and working out six days a week.
And I’ve been trying to put on muscle.
I’ve been trying to become extremely strong in the gym.
And it’s taken three years, three years in order for me to see the real kind of results that I’m looking to see.
Now your mindset is no different.
You’re not going to listen to this podcast and then automatically have a strong mindset.
It’s gonna take time.
Give yourself a little bit of grace here.
It’s gonna take time, but I’m gonna share with you some tips that’s going to help you start in that process.
So the first thing I’ll share with you is it takes action, not just consuming the information.
I see people over and over.
They’ll read the books, and you need to read the books.
That’s one of my tips.
They’ll go to the seminars for personal development.
They’ll do all these things, but they take no action.
Without taking action, you’re not going to start in the process.
I could read all day long about how to build muscle, and what foods I need to eat in order to gain muscle.
But if I don’t go to the gym, and I don’t put the right food in my mouth, it’s not going to happen.
It’s the same way with your mindset.
So let me talk to you a little bit about how that process looks.
The first thing you have to do is create a new life, and you can’t keep your old one.
A lot of people struggle with this right here.
They get all excited when they listen to a podcast.
They’re really excited.
Oh man, I want a new life.
I want to be here financially.
I want to be here physically fit.
I want to be able to buy this home.
I want to do these things.
But then they don’t want change to happen in their life.
You mean I’ve got to change my friends.
You mean I’ve got to change my old habits.
You mean I can’t go to the happy hour.
I can’t do all these different things that it’s in my old life.
Guys, you have to create a new life.
And I’m going to talk about visually seeing what it is that you want.
But you cannot create a new life if you continue to have your old life.
It’s one or the other.
Which one you want to choose?
Today, are you disgusted enough with your physical fitness, with your finances, with your relationships, that you say enough is enough?
And I’m going to change.
If that’s the case, you’ve got to create a new life, but you’ve got to remember you can’t keep the old one as well.
The next thing I want to talk to you about is visualizing where you want to be in two years and five years and seeing the promise that you want to accomplish.
You know, I’ll never forget in my 30s, I’ve mentioned this in my stories, I was not in a good spot in my life.
You know, the construction company I was with, my wife and I actually owned the company, and the company was taking a downward turn because of the economy.
And I’ll never forget what that felt like.
I worked so hard to build this company up and not my fault, but because the economy is crashing, our business started going down.
And it bothered me so bad.
And I looked in the mirror, though, and I visually seen where I want to, where I wanted to be in two years.
And I made a small go of saying, I’m going to take this new opportunity that I found.
I’m going to have to continue working my construction business, but I’m going to do this on the side.
And I’m going to be here in two years.
And in five years, I’m going to be here.
I visually saw exactly what I wanted to experience.
I had a year and a half old son, another son on the way.
And one of my visions that I saw was be able to buy home, my kids come down the stairway, me able to cook them breakfast, me able to take them to school, be able to coach their baseball, be able to take them on magical vacations.
I visually seen exactly what I wanted to accomplish.
Now, you say, Jeremy, that’s a little bit out there.
I used to think the same thing.
You know, until my 30s, I really didn’t understand the importance of being able to see vision.
I didn’t understand the importance of goal setting.
I didn’t understand the importance of a disciplined mindset.
But that’s what’s going to change your life.
You know, if you’ve got to see, because if you see what it is you’re going to accomplish, then it’s going to be easier getting up in the morning because you can’t wait to get to that finish line.
You can’t wait to be able to do the things that you said you was going to do with your family.
But you have to visually see where you want to be in a short two years and in a five year.
This is what I want to be in two years, but this is where I’m going to be in five years.
The next most important thing in order to develop in a mindset is physical exercise.
You guys knew I was going to talk about physical exercise, because this right here is what separates the majority to the minority.
I go to the swimming pool with Candace.
We have a big six acre lagoon here at our neighborhood.
It’s got a beach on it, all these different things.
And I can walk up and down, and I would say one to two percent of the people are physically fit.
Now, I can tell you it looks better when you’re physically fit, but it’s not what you look like that makes the biggest difference.
The individuals that have a discipline to go to the gym six days a week to monitor what they put in their mouth, not only are they going to look better with their shirt off, but they’re going to do better at business.
They’re going to do better at relationships.
They’re going to do better at whatever it is that they’re trying to accomplish because they have a strong mind.
In my opinion, strong mindset is in direct correlation to physical fitness.
You have to be physically fit.
Now, I understand that God made us all different.
I’m not saying you have to have a six-pack, but when you walk in the room, just people look and say, that person takes care of themselves.
But physical fitness, regular workouts, understanding what the benefits of that’s going to do, that’s going to boost your mood, that’s going to boost your energy levels, that’s going to boost your mental sharpness.
But you have to understand that if you put great things in your mind and your body, you’re going to get the outcome that you want.
The next point is you got to learn to cultivate a gratitude.
I’m thankful that I’m able to go to the gym.
I’m thankful that I’m able to come to the office today to work.
I don’t have to take my kids to practice.
I get to take my kids to practice.
I don’t have to go to work.
I’ve got to work that I can go to.
You have to create that mindset that, you know what, I don’t have to deal with this problem in my life.
I get to, and I’m going to solve this problem.
Everything has got to be switched around in your mindset that this is not a have to situation.
This is what I get to do.
I mentioned that I had an injury, you know, back in the last fall, and I was in the habit of going to six days’ workout, and I was laid up on the couch, not hurt from a workout.
I was hurt from something else that I’ll later tell that story.
It’s kind of a humiliating story to tell.
But I wasn’t able to work out for like 60 days, and I was laid up on the couch, and I’ll never forget just watching videos of working out and just saying, man, I would love to work out.
I couldn’t even take a shower for 30 days, and I’ll never forget thinking, man, I would just love to take a shower.
You have to cultivate gratitude that every day is given to you as a gift, and you have to look at that as a gift.
I heard one person saying a speech one time.
I’ll never forget this.
He said, how about if I gave all of you $10 million right now in the room?
Would you guys be excited?
And of course, everybody said, yes, yes, yes, please do that.
And he said, let me ask you another question.
If I gave you that $10 million, then I’ll give that to you, but you won’t be able to wake up tomorrow morning.
How many people still want that $10 million?
And of course, no one said that they want it because they wanted to wake up the next morning.
Your mindset of cultivating gratitude needs to be that approach that every day I have an opportunity of getting up, solving issues, working hard to become the person I want to become.
That’s exactly the reason why anyone that wins the lottery, they blow it and that money is gone and they’re miserable.
It’s because they didn’t have to work towards it.
Your mindset and what you’re trying to accomplish on a daily basis, guys, this is a gift.
Cultivating that gratitude is something that’s very important.
Next is choose education over entertainment.
Learn to put the phone down.
I’m big time on my boys.
All of you know I’ve got a 17 year old and about to be 15 year old.
And I’m always telling them, put the phone down, grab a book.
You know, I mean, in the shower, you get the best thoughts.
You know why?
It’s because you don’t have a stinking phone in front of you over and over.
Now, we all use our phones as tools.
I’m not saying a phone can’t be a good tool, but if you’re over and over just choosing that I’m going to be entertained by TikTok and Instagram and all these different things, but you don’t choose the education of grabbing a book about mindset, grabbing a book about nutrition, grabbing a book about physical fitness, pushing yourself to educate and to become better on a daily basis.
Yes, you might watch a video and it’s funny, but what did that do for you?
You know, choose education over entertainment.
Next is developing resilience.
You know, if you look at resilience, you know, I’ve owned my own companies all my life.
I’ve always been an entrepreneur, got a degree from Oklahoma State University, and I’m going to tell you right now, anything great is going to have a lot of difficult situations.
There’s so many times in business that I wanted to throw in the towel, and you look at it and you say, you know what, I’m going to be resilient.
I’m going to go at it again the next day.
I’m going to go at it again the next day.
Now, some of the things that’s always helped me is, number one, is positive self-talk.
We allow ourself to be damaged on a daily basis by negative thoughts.
Replace them with positive thoughts and empowering ones.
Don’t sit here and think, man, this is so bad, I don’t know what I’m going to do.
You look at it and say, you know what, if I can put a little bit more time and effort into this, this is what’s going to move the meter.
This is what’s going to help me out of this situation, and I’m going to choose this.
I’m going to choose resilience over negativity.
Another part of resilience is learning how to adapt.
Embrace changes.
View challenges as opportunities for growth.
That old saying that they say, what don’t kill you makes you stronger?
You know what?
Not very many things are going to kill you.
It’s just going to make you stronger.
So you don’t look at adaptability as difficult.
Man, I can’t believe they changed this, or I can’t believe they changed that.
Look at this as a new challenge, and say, you know what?
The only way I’m going to get better is become better.
And this is a new opportunity for me, and I understand that if you don’t adapt, if you don’t make changes, you’re not going to make it in the marketplace.
I’m going to be resilient, and I’m going to adapt to the situation that’s given to me.
And then, of course, persistence.
Stay undetermined, and keep pushing forward, even if you face setbacks, because you will face setbacks.
A lot of you that know me personally know that I love investing.
And if you look at the stock market, it always has peaks, and it always has valleys.
But long term, it has a good return.
And that’s the way building a strong mind is.
You know what, you’re going to have some days that you’re not going to be as upbeat and positive as you want to be.
You’re going to have some times that you think, man, everything I’m doing is working right now.
But if you stick with it and be persistent, you’re going to receive the reward.
Next is limiting negative influences.
You know, there’s so many negative influences that come to you, especially if you’re trying to do something great.
From friends, from family, they’re like, oh, I wouldn’t do that, Tommy.
You know, you look at them, you’re thinking, man, you’re 250 pounds, and you know what?
It looks like you need one of them, what Jerry Seinfeld had, a man bra, you know, whatever they call it, a man brassier or whatever.
I think George designed it.
I’m not going to take advice from you.
You only watch how they treat their wife and say, you know what, I don’t want that type of relationship.
You know, but understand that there is going to be a lot of negative influences come to you.
The first one is media.
You know, figure out how to set away, you know, the notifications on your phone or whatever that pops up, that drives your attention somewhere else, and understand that you have to be mindful of the content that you consume.
Focus on the positive and the educational things, but stay away from the things that get your mindset not in a good spot.
Toxic relationships, the same thing.
Distant yourself from that negativity.
You know, one of my points up at the beginning of the podcast was talking about, you know, learning how to, you know, focus on the good things and the positive things and stay away from things in your old life.
You know, we watch so many people.
They want the new life, but they want to keep the old life.
Stay away from the toxic relationships.
Next most important thing in developing a mindset is building a network of individuals that are where you want to be and who you want to become.
You know, people will contact me and say, man, I don’t have a lot of mentors.
I know you talk about mentors.
You know what?
Grab you a person’s book that has proven to have success and let that book be your mentor until you find one.
And then next, find you a Facebook group.
Find you a community of people that want to improve on a daily basis and surround yourself with them, the ones that’s going to the pizza and bowling and, you know, doing the things that’s not going to get you to where you want to get to in life.
Distant yourself from that and put yourself in a network of people.
You know, it might be at your church.
It might be at a men’s group.
It might be at a women’s group.
I don’t know, but you have to surround yourself with like minded individuals that in order for you to change, you can’t hang around your old life top people and change.
You’ve got to create a new web network of people that you want to be around.
Stay in positive relationships and surround yourself with that supportive group of people, and your life will change.
You know, in mindset, one of the things that is a tip that I’ll share with you that I’ve always done every 90 days, and I’m going to give this to you for free.
Go to jeremyfouts.com, and up at the top, you’re going to see Core Reset Challenge, and you can download it for free by putting in your email address and your name.
And this right here is a three-day water fast.
Now, the reason I’m so big on this three-day water fast, and I’m about to have a lady, she just texted me this weekend.
I was actually on her podcast.
It’s Peggy Meyer, and she said, man, I listened to your podcast.
I actually did the three-day water fast, and that was the exact thing that I needed for a reset.
And the reason I love this so much is it lets you know you’re not going to die if you don’t eat food.
Number two, you create a really sharp mind.
And number three, you did something difficult, and you pushed through.
You was persistent, and you accomplished it, and that creates a stronger mind.
Are there health benefits?
Absolutely tons of them.
You can read on the website, jeremyfouts.com.
But this is one thing that I’ve always done, or I haven’t always for the last 18 to 20 years.
Every 90 days, I do a self-evaluation of my mindset strength.
And I say, you know what?
I’m going to do a three-day water fast.
I’m going to create some new goals.
I’m going to create a stronger mind, and I’m going to go accomplish greatness.
Guys, the mindset today, if you’re evaluating your life, and you say, I’m not where I want to be in life, I don’t feel fulfilled, I don’t feel like I found my purpose, I’m not physically fit, my relationships are not where they need to be, I’m not the person that I want to be.
What Jeremy, would you tell me I need to do?
Create a strong mind.
It takes some time, but that no one can ever take that from you is a strong mindset, and that is the key, in my opinion, to having long-term success in living a good fulfilled life.
Thank you guys for joining the podcast today.
Mindset growth, it’s up to you.
No one can do it for you.
It’s kind of like a physical fit body.
You can pay as much money as you want to have one, but you have to earn it.
And that’s the same way with creating a strong mind.
You can’t just go purchase a strong mind.
You have to create it.
You have to build it, and you have to keep on being resilient and build it till you build the mindset you want to build.
Thank you guys for joining the podcast on The Hard Truth.
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And one thing that would be really helpful is leave a review.
Don’t just consume the content and keep it to yourself.
Share with friends and family, maybe that are struggling with different issues.
I am putting all of my attention into this podcast to make an impact on people’s lives.
There’s no ads on this show.
This is for me to be able to give back and say, take these practices, put them to work, and create the life that you want to create.
Thank you, guys.